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Desan: The Beginning History of Desan: Desan, a magical world filled with strange beings with magical powers. Desan is a world filled with dangerous deserts and open oceans. That's even where the name came from. Who created the name, no one knows. Perhaps it was the wind. Perhaps it was an ancestor to one on the Natives. Perhaps it was a talking gopher. Truly, it is one of the many mysteries of this world. Now, the beings who live here, as I said earlier, are magical. They control one of the eight elements: Darkness, Light, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, or Ice. They each have different powers to help them in battle against other elements, (They aren't exactly friends) or others. There are more famous Users then other Users, one of the most famous being Glimmer. She is a Light User, known to be more powerful then Shine, her older brother. Or take Ember. He is a Fire User who stays away from Users more powerful them him. He picks on the little ones, but no one dares stop him. Because of Users having magical abilities, other worlds became angry. They were afraid of their power, and jealous. They sent in armies to learn of the Users, and fight them. They never returned. Some said they were all killed. Some said they ran from battle to stay alive, but were ashamed to return to their homes. But others said they made peace with the Natives (Also known as the Users) and made families. There have been records of Users with smaller powers and who didn't exactly look like their Element Members, but they could just be deformed, or in rarer cases, they could be a mixture of 2 Elements. This has happened. One User, Steam, (A cross between Fire and Air) brought peace between the 2 Elements for 200 years. When she died, Air Users said the Fire Users killed her, while Fire Users said the same. She was killed, because Users live 500 years. She was just a teenager in human years. They later found out Flash (A mixture of Lightning and Water) killed her because she refused his love. There is much drama between the Elements, and the Heroes. But this tale is about the Elements, before the Heroes attacked. Chapter 1: Night "Night, wake up! We'll be late to the Coronation!" said Shadow, her older brother. "Get up! Do you want to miss you becoming a Master?" Night's eyes flew open, her whole body becoming alert. "Of course not, idiot!" she said back. She dressed in a simple black robe, standard clothes for Darkness Users. She looked at Shadow, dressed in a similar outfit. He frowned at her, saying "Do you really want to wear that?" She replied "Well duh, what else will I wear?" It was a good point, seeing how her wardrobe was kind of empty. Her mother, Deep, always tried to give her clothing, as a 17 year old should love that kind of thing. Receiving clothing, that is. But she always refused. As a Princess among her kind, she must set an example. Shadow, of course, doesn't because he's a boy, while Deep thinks that rule is stupid. Shadow should be the new king, but he chose military instead of politics or magic. In Desan, anyone has equal claim to their Element's throne. It was Night's birthday, her 18th. On your 18th birthday, you must choose your #life. Shadow didn't want the burden of ruling in their underground city, Derk. So of course, Night had to choose Politics or Magic. She chose both. She did want to become queen, and she did want to be a Mage. Now in just a few hours, she will become a Master of Darkness, and the new queen. Shadow led her down the corridors toward outside, when the Coronation is held. As she turned away from the flowers, she saw her people. She saw her father, the King. She walked up to him smiling and extremely nervous. "Well Pumpkin," he whispered. "Ready to rule?" She didn't answer, as it had begun. Chapter 2: Night "Night, Princess of Derk, Mage, my daughter," he paused. "Do you accept the heavy burdens of becoming a Master and a Queen?" Night calmly responded " Yes." The King looked at her and sighed. "Then, as old King of Derk, I give up my position as King and slide it over to your future husband, whoever that may be. I pronounce you Master of Darkness, and" He stopped talking and looked at his chest. Instead of a normal robe, there was a big hole where his flesh should be, with blood pouring out of the great, old body that was once Night's father and King of Derk. She heard a voice screaming "Attack! Attack the Darkness Users!" She didn't know who it was, but the old King did. He grabbed Night's arm and said "Fire Users. Run Night, run!" and she did. She ran far from the castle, her family, her people, and from Derk. She had no plan in mind, she just ran. Chapter 3: Burn Burn looked at all the Darkness Users who are important, and sighed. It was Flare's idea to kill them all in one place, and take the crown for himself. If he must marry Night, the Darkness Princess, he would to get the crown. Burn sighed again and waited for Flare's attack signal. When we shouted "Attack! Attack the Darkness Users!" Burn sprung up and ran forward, yelling with all his friends. The King was already dead, claiming Night a Master, but not the Queen. This would put any remaining Darkness Users in panic with no one to lead them. Burn struck a User, who staggered back. He pulled out his sword, and hissed "You may kill the King. You may kill me. But you will never find Night, my sister." Burn knew he had attacked Shadow, the Prince of Derk. If he left him alive, he could be useful. If he killed him, he would be yelled at, but given a promotion in the Fire Army, who serves The Fire King of Flurn. He stabbed Shadow in the chest, a killing blow. Shadow then hit Burn in the leg, then collapsed. He was dead. The Darkness King was dead. Anyone could now claim the throne, and Flare didn't need Night. Burn must now kill Night. Chapter 4: Burn Burn looked all over for Night, as he killed many more Important Darkness Users. The Duke, The Other Duke, The Other Duke's Son, they were all killed by Burn's hand. Deep, the Queen, was captured by Oven, his brother. He ran towards Burn as everyone was killed or captured and said "Deep is very beautiful, and might make a good bargaining tool." It was true too. Deep was around 40, with jet black hair, deep blue eyes, and pale white skin. She looked exactly like her daughter, except Deep was a foot taller. "Oven, just kill her. As she is Queen, she is currently in charge, and Flare won't be able to rule. And we won't be able to get close to him, and become more important." Oven glared at him, and said grumpily "Fine. But I now hate you!" Oven was 5 years younger than him, at the age of 14. Oven was still very... Not mature. "Oven, report back to Flare Night could not be found." said Burn. "What? Why me?" Oven replied. "Because as your older brother, I'm telling you too. Now, go!" Chapter 5: Night

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