See You In Heaven... As a nurse, working on a night shift in a nursing home can be pretty emotional. I got called by one old gentleman at 4 am in the morning just to find out he was sobbing in tears. I asked him what the reason was and then he told me he has this pain in his leg and thinks he is going to lose his leg. How childish he looked when i told him the pain was just because he had been sitting for long period and that it was a bit swollen.... Nothing concerning too much of problem... He starts to cry and tell me something that is just too irrelevant at this time of the night.He says " i don't want to die".... To me, it looked simple... He was not going to die.. at least not today or tomorrow comparing to the severity of his voice .. I smiled and reassured him that he was going to be fine and i was always there to take care of him all the time. What sweet note he had for me that kept me thinking for a long time...He then said ,' you are a good girl, I will see you in heaven" I then realised..... I was actually talking to an old man who is expecting near death.. Not that he has or could make any holiday plans like i was doing right then..... not that he had anything to look forward to , that a normal person like me would be doing... Let it be future planning or simple things like grocery shopping or lets say worrying like me about weather just because i was planning bbq party at my home... I was talking to a man who underwent a fatal stroke and had him left sided paralysis for the rest of his #life.. To him, death was close and it was a near miss.. Not that every person in the street would have experienced wat he has felt.... suddenly, i had the feeling of coldness of living in an empty room without any hopes of sunshine or a ray of hope..I could feel his pain and i could feel that fear of unknown death and its mysteries.. I could feel his hopelessness of living without family or his beloved ones near him....Just waiting n wondering what future might be bringing to him.... I could feel his anxiety inside me and that pure soul inside him that was still so alive and blessed. However, Everything he had was destined and that all he could do now is hope..... Hope for the best and prepare for the worst... ... How could such gentle soul be affected by the negative thoughts?? I wondered ... But #life is like a flowing river and it never comes back again... How blessed i felt to have been praised by such pure soul in the early morning?And how good it felt to soothe away his pain and anxiety ?? Though i cannot take away his pains or perhaps, the inevitable sorrow and death.. But all i can do now is pray for that wonderful soul.. Pray to god to take him away from this mortal world swiflty and safely .... and just as tender as his soul is...... And perhaps, if my time comes to leave this worldly #life.......Maybe i will see him again ......and this time in heaven..... he wished.......

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