übersetzen   12 Jahre

The Shepard Of My Heart The Shepard of my Heart She's my everything. My hero. My leader. My lover. I love and cherish her. We are different only in species. Our hearts, however; Not so different. For I feel for her, As she feels for me. She fights, I fight. She wins, I win. She loses, I lose. Not a day goes by that I don't care for her. My commander. The Shepard of my Heart. We protect the innocent. Secure what may be lost, Retrieve what was captured, And prevent it from happening again. The Monsters try and stop us. But I love her too much. That love is what shields us. Aids us. And defeats Them. She knows I love her, But I can't show it. For I know not of her ways, Of expressing a need or want, Or desire. The Doctor says otherwise. That our love is forbidden. Dangerous. Lethal. But we live for danger. For taking risks. Calibrations? No. She's all I can think about. Can't fix the weapons when she's so vibrantly on my mind... Brave, Intelligent, A paragon, too. Flawless. Brought back from the dead that way. Not even the scars could be considered a flaw. They fit her. Mine? Most women find scars attractive. Especially her. And I paid a price for them, too. Had a hole shot through me the day I saw her again. Those scars... They made me worse. Just to show that I was not one of her. That our love could most likely not be. But she still did. She believed in me, Blew the steam away from me, And saved me from the dark pit from which I was falling. I'll always be grateful to her. Even in our final hours. My hero. My leader. My lover. The Shepard of my Heart.

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