An Email I Sent To American Apparel - Follow to see if I get a reply - Dearest American Apparel I'm Kraig, a nineteen year old student from sunny (joke) Dundee, Scotland; and I have a question that has been bothering me for the best part of my style conscious #life. What clothes do blond people wear? The question sounds absurd, naive even. After all, fashion and civilisation has existed for centuries - no, millennia - without having been set back by this question. But I, at least, think it has some validity. You see, I used the word 'blond' - one of the very few masculine specific terms that exist in the English language. Thanks to shampoo adverts and women's magazines we are all familiar with what a blonde is and often use the term incorrectly as a blanket word for both genders. i've gone my entire #life as an apparently "gifted" blond guy, a supposed rare delicacy of the university dating scene. But I'm a bit too nerdy to end up on the cover of teen choice, and not really athletic enough to end up on any sports team. "Is it natural?" is a question I get a lot. "Yes... It is..." I respond sheepishly. If people were paying attention, they'd notice I also had blond eyebrows and, almost as a stamp of authenticity, eyelashes too... So yeah - supposedly genetically blessed strawberry blond. But I am hindered by a curse. I don't know what to were... It's a serious problem for us blond guys. We're brought up with no reference material whatsoever. When we go to Google, our search requests are misunderstood. When we turn to the blogosphere, we're assigned appropriate colour palettes, and dress styles that match our non-existent bras... A couple of months ago I decided to turn to the world of mens magazines on both poles of the sexuality scale. One end refused to acknowledge that people with blond hair actually existed, after all, everyone is either black, brown or bald - right? The other tribe was more forgiving, but instead refused the existence that blond males even had to wear clothes... So I'm hoping I can tie a knot in this particuarly lengthy quest that is my hair colour by asking the cloths makers as directly as possible. How do blond people choose what to wear in a world of "The Three Bs" - and will there ever be a consideration to include a fourth amongst their ranks?

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