Soulmate (Prologue) Trying something a little bit different, hope you like it. Her breath caught in her throat. She couldn't believe that after all this time, he could still quell her heart with a simple look. How often had she dreamt of this moment, lying alone in the darkness, longing for just one last night with him? When he first left, she thought she was going to die. She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't function without him. Her days were spent in bed, gazing at the ceiling, consumed with memories and regrets. If she hadn't have nagged him that time would he still be here? If she'd have just tried a little harder with his friends he wouldn't have abandoned her. It was all her fault. Who could blame a wonderful man like him for leaving a pathetic mess like her? She was in mourning. Not for him, for the bright, sparky, carefree woman she was when they were together. She looked in the mirror and didn't recognise the ghost staring back. She lost her job, her friends and almost her home in that dark time. The electric ran out, and she was left sitting in blackness. The whole world felt like blackness without him. That's when she knew she had to change. She would end up a bitter, twisted, lonely old woman if she continued down this path. Gradually, she got better. Applied for countless jobs, anything to get her out of the house, actually went out and socialised with friends she'd long forgotten. She started swimming again, and found it cleared her head much better than a bottle of wine. And then she met Andy. Andy was kind, caring, a real gentleman. He knew she'd been hurt, and never rushed her. Andy was patient, sensible, thoughtful and practical. All the things he wasn't. Andy introduced her to his colleagues at the high school he worked at, and when the position of student counsellor came up, she was a shoo-in. Andy decorated her house, eradicating all traces of her ex and their #life together. The vibrant red walls in the bedroom became serene eggshell and coffee. The spare bedroom, once filled with his computer games and DVD's, became a reading room, with a huge leather arm chair and shelves upon shelves of books. She didn't just feel better, she felt like she had finally grown up. Just two days ago, Andy had asked her to marry him. A beautiful square cut diamond, traditional red roses, the perfect proposal. She'd said yes, of course, and her family were thrilled that this time, she'd found her soulmate. And then she saw him.
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