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Chocolate Before Chocolate Information This is the 4th book that I am sharing first because it is better to read first due to it being a prequel. You will get to read these chapters as I share book 1. But for now, here we go into the weird wonderful world of Moony Jillian Olici... Introduction Daddy didn't come home today either diary. The wars are getting stronger each day while daddy's getting weaker. I'm scared and confused. This war isn't like world war 2 diary. Daddy isn't in that kind of war. This is bad. Worse, anyway. The war of T.B.O. Is frustratingly hard. I regret ever creating the demon. Did I tell you who T.B.O. Is? Must've, but those pages were burned by daddy... I can still re-write it right? My storytelling isn't THAT bad... We were cooking waffles! Diary, waffles! How could a day like this go downhill? And I was playing with my chemistry set I got for my birthday. Cool, right? Right! But daddy and mommy bought me extra chemicals, more dangerous ones. And I invented cures for diseases such as cancer, made growing and shrinking potions, And made 3 amazing discoveries. The invisibility potion, what makes you live forever, and a potion to make power maximize. So I poured each potion on each waffle so we would be superpowers family. Hey, I was 5! I put mine in my lunch kit and left. Forgetting the one in my lunch kit, I took another. The last waffle stayed plain. Everyday, my friend asks me for a lunch trade. I decided to take the chance of giving her my waffle. Was it the plain one? Who knows? Nope. Big and powerful. Me? Invisibility. The birth of the big one took place there. T.B.O. She destroyed everyone within the school grounds, and that became the battlefield for war. I was the only survivor, having been invisible, and having had the diagnosis, ran for dear #life. See? Not bad storytelling! I should write a book... But mom will ground me for writing a book here, in the open with T.B.O. Soldiers running around, looking for info! I need to create a world. And a potion. A potion to make people forget.

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