Translate   12 years ago

Chapter 5: Truth Well this is great! As I thought mom banned me from using any form of technology for a month. Which means I can't talk to Susan for another month. Oh and Julie is still not talking to either of us. During lunch detention we had an interesting conversation. "so is your house actually haunted?" bobby started off "yes" I said "there's this woman named Susan that I guess once occupied my bedroom. I had a whole conversation with her" "cool" he said "when I was younger my brother Will and I were given a gold coin from aliens which turned out to be a key to an underground treasure chamber by my old school" "hold on if you're new to this school then how did you know my name?" I asked "lucky guess" he replied and we both burst out laughing. A secretary came in and said we could go. "what?" bobby asked "lunch is only half over!" and we went to lunch At lunch we saw Julie alone at a table crying. We went over to try and talk to her. "what are you doing here!" she said "you should be in detention!" "Joey and I were let out early!" bobby explained. Julie immediately say up wiped the tears from her eyes and said "so Joey is your house haunted?" "yeah" I said surprised at her change of emotion "I had a conversation with her" "Cool" she said "what did you and Susan talk about?" "computers" I said She looked at me like I was pathetic "you got to talk to a ghost and all you talked about was computers??" Bobby cut in "Julie how do you know so much about joey's house?" "oh my best friend used to live there until she heard a couple gunshots in her room and what sounded like her window breaking" she said that like it was the most natural thing in the world. I was shocked "which room was it?" "smallest room upstairs" she said It hit me right after she said it: that's my room

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