Traduire   13 années depuis

Peter Mist blew past my bedroom window.The sky was covered in doom. All hope was lost. The gloomy marshes across the road bubbled as if a witches potion. The sky crackled, and opened with flooding rain. My bedroom was more like a prison, grey beding, wardrobe just standing. Locked door. I even think a bat lived in the corner. The floor boards creaked as if in pain, the lock turned. A dark figure stood in the doorway. I looked studying his face " Hello Peter,". His low voice spoke. " We have a surprise for you, come downstairs". Once downstairs I cringed at the light from the candles. The#moonshone through the old windows. " We have your dinner, garlic free of couse". They gave me a new cape, then I flew into the night.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère