Perfect Sacrifice The dark sky loomed over head. Clouds grey and angry. Lightening struck. I stood bellow watching the patient crowd. They had been shouting abuse at him. They still were. My head banged from their horrendous squeals and moans. "he saved others but he can't save himself!" they yelled. He was covered in blood and wire no clothes. They had taken them ripped them apart and gambled for them. He was hanging beside two other men. They were both criminals. But he, he was not a criminal. He had done nothing wrong. And yet he was put through this torture instead of the murder. I didn't believe what he said, but neither did I believe he should be killed because of it. He yelled in plea to God. Nothing. He slumped. I had been waiting for hours soon hours as the men screamed with pain. Bloodied and abandoned. They had muttered to each other. Muttered about a new place. A new country? But I could not make it out. Then he cried out and fell back against the hard wood of which he hung. Thunder cracked. Lightening struck. The ground shook and the rock broke. We all cowered down in fright of the dead body as the earthquake shook. I looked up at the man with a thorn crown on his head then the sign above that mocked him. He truly is the king of the Jews! #jesusfreaks (all taken accurately from the bible.)
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