Tradurre   13 anni fa

Drop Of Heaven. You greet me with a grin, I'm taken by surprise; 'hey you...' in your sweet gentle prose. We walk together, bodies touching, close as can be, with my hand in yours, so happily. Then without warning it starts to rain. From 0 to 200 in 0.4 seconds, no chance to hide or find shelter. So what do we do? Water penetrating our clothes, my dress clinging to my frame, my hair impossibly wetter than after a swim underwater. Your jeans shiny with damp, our outstretched hand holding warm and sensuous as the cold rain pelts us from all angles. The sky erupts with a flash of lightening and your feet pound the streets quicker, more determined to reach a warm shelter, your haven. My pace quickens to match yours, our fingers still entwined. Your pulse accelerates as your breaths deepen, this exhilarating run is our secret exultation of #life. A celebration of being alive, of being in this very moment, where nothing else really matters. Such a simple moment, yet one I'll never forget. That's just how #life goes, the simplest and free moments are the most beautiful.

  • Mi piace
  • Amore
  • HaHa
  • Wow
  • Triste
  • Arrabbiato