Colored Bloods: Bard's Awakening Chapter 2 My head hits the the truck window and I open my eyes. I rub the painful area with my hand. "He's up" I hear Alex say "Finally what happened was it like a prophetic dream like in Mystery Dungeon maybe Resident Evil 4" says Fermin excitedly "How long was I out?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes "It's about five in the afternoon" says Rosa turning around "We didn't wake you because you had that look you get when you sleep" "Yeah the one that says 'busy learning don't bother me' kind of face" says Alex giggling "Why are we in the truck?" I start to realize how fast were going "And why are we moving at a speed of one twenty?" "One twenty nope it's about one ten and turn around" says Austin as he makes a sharp turn to the left to avoid an overturned Prius. I turn around and see a pack of red Gnawers flying behind us. "Okay Fermin, Alex slingshot-" I say when I hear a piercing shriek from one of the Gnawers "Good shot" Fermin grunts as he releases another steel ball from the slingshot. Rosa hands me her handgun "Five bullets" she says and I nod. I open the rear window and aim. I squeeze the trigger and red blood splatters on the window. Alex shoots the last one but only manages to tear it's wing causing it to crash on the ground. "So now what?" I say closing the window "You tell us hot shot" says Austin a we slowdown "Were stuck" I look at the road to see the Bart tracks blocked the road. I look up and see a Bart train dangling from the edge. "We're screwed" says Rosa looking down at her feet "Let's go up there and go to the Bart station in Berkeley it's underground" I say getting out of the truck. I walk towards the track. "How the fuck are we going to get up there?" she yells out "Someone figured out how" I say as I show her a rope dangling from the top of the tracks. I turn the flashlight into the tunnels entrance. I sweep the light around to see if there's anything inside. I look at the small group huddled around me. I bring a finger to my lips and start to walk inside. They follow close behind and I feel a pair of small hands take mine. I sigh and squeeze them lightly trying to convey feelings of courage. Let go of the hand on my right to bring the flashlight up. A dripping sound echoes inside the tunnel. "Buffalo" whispers Austin "You sure about this?" "No but it's the only thing I can think of" I whisper back We walk in silence occasionally tripping over cracks and rubble. I listen as a mournful melody starts to play. I reach for Alex and hold his hand. "Shh don't cry everything will be fine" I say trying to comfort him "R-really?" he says on the verge of tears "Yes how about I sing the song mom used to sing" He gives my hand a squeeze and I clear my throat to sing "Stop the tears from your eyes, don't let them flow because, you'll be the first to say good morning when the sun rises again, it's dark I know but be true you can shine through even if your blue, just hold your head-" "Stop I'm getting sleepy" he says slowly "Okay guys how are you holding up?" I ask turning around "Real well other than the sweat" says Rosa sarcastically I start to hear a melody of fear. I move Alex and Fermin behind Rosa. "Hide the best you can Austin knife something's coming" I say quietly. Austin hands me the the serrated hunting knife and gets into position next to me. "What coming?" he whispers "I don't know but- ow fuck" I say as a rock hits my hand with the flashlight. It clatters to the ground and shuts off. I hear feet scuffling and then a searing pain in my leg as something stabs into it. I cry out and kick with my other. I feel my foot connect with a body and it falls over with a cry of pain. I quickly jump on top of it ignoring the throbbing of my leg. I place a hand on the area I think is it's throat when I'm bathe in light of the flashlight. I look up to see a dirty five year old with wide eyes. "Don't kill mama" she wails "Get off of her" I look down to see a dirtier woman in her thirties. She looks into my eyes and looks at the harp dangling from the chain. Relief fills her eyes and I get off of her. The throbbing intensifies as I try to stand up straight. I fall on to one knee. "I'm sorry I was sent to see if we were being attacked" she says as she scoops the child into her arms trying to soothe her "Thank you for not bli-" "Forget it who sent you?" I cut in as everyone inches closer "The tribe, we call ourselves the Purple Bards" she says I nod and look at what was stabbed into my leg. I see a plastic black handle that continues with a metal fork with two prongs. I slowly pull out as I grind my teeth together. I look at the barbecue fork coated with my blood. I press a hand against the wound to slow some of the blood flow. "You" she tells Austin "Lift him up as slowly as possible" He does what he's told and I let out a hiss of pain as he helps me up "Hopefully this does the work" she says as she rips a strip of cloth from her blouse. She ties it tightly around the wound. She holds me up from the other side. "Melly stay with the other kids and follow us okay" she says walking forward. I since as Austin tries to follow her speed. "What do you mean tribe?" asked Austin to the woman "The survivors of the area migrated here and a person started calling us the Purple Bards" she replies "She has told stories many stories for the past few years" "Momma don't say anymore there strangers" says Melly "Hush Melly anyway the story she repeated was the one of a Bard who will rise to save the world with thirteen other kids" We all stay quiet until we reach the flickering light of the station. We see two muscular men guarding an entrance to a cave. "Jewel your okay" says one of the men who runs up to her " Not right now he needs help" she says pointing at me. I start to shiver. Is this how I'll die. From blood loss. I weakly look up to see the man nod. He picks me up like a child and I struggle weakly to get released. I look at my siblings, their eyes wide with fear "Stick together I'll find you" I say weakly as I'm carried into the darkness of the tunnel.

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