Translate   13 years ago

Colored Bloods: Bard's Awakening Chapter 1 I wake up feeling something cold and smooth beneath me. I groggily sit up and look around. There's large walls made from smooth stone infected by roots. I place a hand on the stone floor and it's cold seeps into my hand. "Where am I? Can't remember" I pause to think "Yeah that's it I took a sleeping pill for the night but why am I awake?" I say looking at my hands. I look up at the ceiling and see its full of gaping holes revealing the night sky. I run my hand over the smooth stone until I feel a grooved area. I look down and see an inscription with the symbol I have used for comfort. The harp. I trace the symbol with my fingertip. I glance at the words. "When the Colored Bloods resurface into the world, the hero and leader of youths will arise, the will of the Bard to protect those that are loved, will undo the lock that seal away the Bard's true power" says a deep voice from the other side of the room I look up to see a large built man close a stone door. He turns around and gives a friendly smile. A melody starts to play. It's sound one of peace and courage. "Welcome to the Bard's Temple" he says in a friendly voice that matches the melody being played "I am the Bard of eons ago" He waits for me to introduce myself but I stay quiet not trusting him and the situation. I feel something coil around my arm and neck. I look down to see a shining purple eye staring at me. I bring a hand up to its neck and try to pry it off. It coils tighten and it let's out a gentle hiss. A grey haze starts to cloud my eyes as it tightens around my throat. "Hissture do not frighten the boy let him go" he says The Gnawer slowly uncoils and slithers onto the floor. I gasp for air as it coils around the Bard. "Kill... it... now" I say between gasps "Now now calm down fury and fear lead to troubling stories" he says as he scratches the Gnawers head "Hissture is one of a few who believe the slaughter of humans is a despicable task" he roars with laughter "Sure it does" I say rolling my eyes "It is true what the Bard must always be is willing to listen to the song of the hearts from others" I scoff trying to ignore the feeling in the pit of my stomach. He laughs loudly again. "That feeling is the Bard's natural enemy always trade stories before it eats you" he says amused "Fine" I spat "I'm Buffalo" "Buffalo odd name isn't there a name from your birth?" "Yes but I rather not say it" I drop the subject "As do I but I've been called Bard for many years it's become my name" he chuckles I study the man who steps closer. Taller than me and stronger no way I can take him out. He smiles before whistling a small tune. It's sound familiar. I cover my ears and he stops. "It seems it pains you to hear that melody" he says sadness filling the words "Accept and move forward it holds you back" "Hold me back from what and what the fuck do you care" I say anger spilling out "It's nearly time to undo the lock the binds your heart" he says ignoring my outburst "I'm tired of this bullshit cryptic messages just say what needs to be said" "I would but you wouldn't accept it" he gives an apologetic smile "But I can tell you a bit of history of the Colored Bloods" I stay quiet trying to calm down. He continues "It started when your world was created and newly born....." There were many clans each who believed that colors were the path to enlightenment and better things. Everything was peaceful everyone knew there boundaries and always helped one another. That all changed when their was a prophecy from the Seer's mother. She spoke of murderous being who will rise into power. She spoke of their blood as the colors of those who we put faith in. But the most important part was the rhyme she left before dying of giving birth to the Seer. The rhyme has been changed many times but the real version goes along these lines. When two sets of seven mothers Die due to their child's births or after They have brought the heroes To slay those with colored blood These heroes must unite For theirs no strength alone The heroes will be commoners Or even have great power The first will hear the songs that are hidden within the heart and soul May the child rise with A heart of gold That is the first of fourteen verses the others I do not know. Continuing with my story, there was one person who wanted power to rule the Witch. The Witch unleashed the beings we call the Colored Bloods but she didn't foresee what would happen. They slaughtered many and turned against the Witch. I would have died if it wasn't for Hissture who protected me from a pack when I was traveling. That day I was awakened as the Bard and set out to find the others. It was difficult traveling and death always reared it's skull but we pushed on until we sealed away the queen. "That is my story apologies it's been years since I recited a story from memory" he says between bouts of laughter "I believe it's your turn" I sigh as I think of a story to tell "How about when the Colored Bloods re-entered the world" he suggest "That was fairly recent..." People went crazy when they discovered this new species. It was over the world in a heartbeat. This new species seemed tame enough and scientist wanted to experiment and explore it. This angered many people and the rumor is they took over the building where the creature was and they were eaten after this there were more and more sightings. This happened for a few years eight I believe since I was ten at the start. We were worried I had a three siblings my sister of eight and two brothers of three and one. We prepared to protect each other my dad taught me how to fire and assemble a variety of fire arms. He also taught me how to be quiet when I needed to hide or move against the shadow the same for my sister. One day a few years later he went scavenging for food and he never came back. My mom lost it but kept it together until I could teach my brothers what I learned. After his death she started being weird saying when will the Bard arrive. That's when she gave me the pendant that she always wore. The one with the harp. She gave it to me and said to protect my brothers they will need it. That I had to keep them safe until I found a place safe enough to leave them and follow my destiny. That night I heard the door close and my mother's screams as she walked outside. She cursed everything and damned it all the one thing she yelled out that stuck with me was why my son why him. "There is that what you wanted to hear" I say sobbing tears flowing from my eyes. He just stands there and slowly sits down. I look up at him with blurry eyes and the coiled Gnawer is gone. I feel it slither around my midsection before coiling around and resting its head on my shoulder. "A tragic tale but did it help you accept your loss?" he asked solemnly "And mighty craftsmanship with your words a natural" I wipe my tears and build back the wall that collapsed. The Gnawer let's out a purring sound and another melody eminates from it. This one cheerful and gentle. I start to slowly cheer up. "It seems Hissture has readily accepted you" he says chuckling the seriousness lost "Well I believe it's nearly time you wake up" I look up at him with a confused look "Your asleep your here because the ruins called to you" he places a hand on the floor "This ruins will keep calling until you find them when your awake the final lock will open when it's found" I start to say something when my legs give out. The Bard gives a friendly wave of good bye as my eyes slowly close. "May you find the path but don't try to run away from it because it will always hang over your head" My eyes close as everything goes dark.

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