Hushed Tones, Low Light. Feeling sleepy, a little confused, and worried I curl up on your sofa. Seconds later you're by my side, a warm and comfortable haven to wash away all of my worry. As I tuck my legs over yours, I pull up to rest my head on your shoulder, and find myself in the sweetest most reassuring embrace. We talk in hushed tones in the low light, your very soul emanating from your person towards me. Filling me with happiness, restoring my own soul. As we sprawl there for an unmeasurable time, I never want this to end. You vary conversation from my #life to your home country, have the cutest rant about insignificant #life problems, and beam when you see my lips curl, a little parade of success as you succeed in your only pressing goal of the day, for me to be happy. It's moments like this, when not only am I reminded how perfect you are for me, but my love for you inexplicably grows, past these ever extending boundaries I can never see. I never thought it was possible to love one more than I love you.

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