School I didnt want to wake Monday morning, I complained how my day was only to be very boring. Tuesday I said, It will be an insipid day! Mom only replied, Youll be going to school anyway! Wednesday I yammered all kinds of jabberwocky about staying in bed, But of course, I was going to school instead. Thursday I tried a skit of being weak and feeble, Obviously that didnt work out quite well. Friday, however, was different though, It is perhaps the best day of the week, you know. Of course I tried again at my pretending ways, But mom insisted school would ameliorate my day. I finally gave in, OKAY! I said, Then I rolled out of bed. I gathered my things, then headed for the bus, Full of factitous enthusiasm as I bethought, what was the plus? Turned out, my day was rather great! I received multiple As in English, totaling to eight. At band, I listened to the bassoon, It sounded quite strange as it played a baroque tune. In Science, I learned of the snow storm, headed our way, That is was coming in boreal, and would hit later today. I was the polymathof my Algebra class, I answered every question right on my test, so I passed! Lunch was as usual, with our normal colloquy, We talked about summer and what sports we would play. In social studies we had a War of 1812 talk, How we conspired to take Canada, which wasnt a cakewalk. When I left the school after all was done that day, I was ready for Monday and whatever it threw my way.