Translate   12 years ago

Dear whoever is listening, Sorry it's been so long but I have been very busy! We are in Sunderland at the moment visiting Bryan's family. It has done nothing but rain non stop which has been a bit depressing but seeing his nephew Reuben has been so much fun - he is a child genius and he isn't even 2 yet! It's my birthday tomorrow - I will be 26 - so Bryan is taking me to the metro centre to buy something nice today It will also be our 9 year anniversary but we have already celebrated that by going to a Tenacious D gig. My sister will also be 16 tomorrow which is mad because it doesn't feel like that long ago that she was born!! She is going to celebrate with all of her friends at TGI Friday which is nice. I will see her on Saturday to give her a present - cant wait! Had some bad news recently in that my nan has been diagnosed with kidney cancer - she goes into hospital tomorrow to have her kidney removed so I hope that it all goes well *fingers crossed* We go home to Essex on Friday night so that I can go and see nanny in hospital on Saturday then on the evening we are at a beer festival to carry on the birthday/anniversary celebrations with our friends. Anyway I will hopefully be back later for some more chit chat Ttfn xx

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