перевести   13 лет назад

The Lick To sisters once lived together. They lived in a house not far away from the village of Sulby in southern England. The little sister was called Rose as the flower, and her big sister was called Lilly, like the flower by the same name. Lilly had arranged for herself a date with a handsome guy named Yousif. They was to meet in the village for a cup of tea and a talk. "Can you handle everything while I'm gone dear?" Said Lilly. Lilly looked at Rose. "Yes I can manage. But I'm feeling rather sick, I'll try to sleep it off," said Rose. Lilly smiled and kissed her goodbye. There was someone entering the house. Rose could her some sounds, but it was late, so it could be her sister Lilly. Rose's dog Harry licked her hand from under her bed. He liked to do that. Rose heard more sounds, and she began to worry. Harry ran down. After some time the sounds went away and Harry returned to his spot under her bed. Rose feel asleep again. The telephone rang. Rose answered, "yes?". She knew the voice. "Hello Rose. It's me, Yousif. You must not answer me now. Stay cool. Three criminals have escaped the prison. The police thinks that they are inside you're house. Shut your door, and we'll be there in no time!" Rose did as she was told. She shut the door and took a candleholder from the table and waited. She could hear steps, human steps coming near her. But in all of a sudden the police entered the house and she heard gunshots and yelling. "It's me Rose," it was Yousif! She opened the door and there he stood. "Well done Rose," he said and smiled to her. "Where is Lilly?" Rose said and looked at Yousif. "Dead," he said and avoided looking at Rose. They went down to the living room. She saw her sister and two dead criminals. Her sister had been butchered to pieces. But there she saw Harry, dead on the floor. "But he licked my hand when entering my room!" Rose said quit choked. The police-officer beside her said, "humans lick too my girl", and he looked up to Rose's room.

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