перевести   12 лет назад

Unfaithful The smell was subtle but unmistakable. When had it happened? Why? What had she done to push him away? She tossed thoughts around her mind. Broken dreams, transparent promises. Her stomach wretched and she grasped at the carpet, clinging frantically to the past. This was her fault. It must be. What did the girl have that she didn't? Was her body not good enough? Did she not excite, or fight, or support him? She picked up the unfaithful lingerie and stared beyond it. No. No, it wasn't her fault, it was him. How could that bastard do this? She had done everything to please him. She had made every sacrifice, and he had taken it all and more. She fumed. He would pay. Once a cheat, always a cheat. She pushed herself up from the floor, and wiped her cheeks. The feeling returned to her numb hands and her forlorn expression turned to anger. The front door opened, and he walked in - unaware that his fraud had been uncovered. She drew a blade from the knife rack, and started towards him.

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