A Random Thought On A Bus Journey This story was inspired by a bus journey where i thought of the word Newark, then I started thinking....... In 2098, The historical floods that inspired the bible story return. During the ensuing chaos, one group of people called the Providers emerged as an organization that was preparing to institute a new-world order. They assembled a pair of embryos of each genus, of every species know to man. These were stored in a gene-bank and were catalogued using a super-computer called Father. This gene-bank was also encoded with a set of human D-N-A; it was the basic template for a new Adam and Eve. After this, the ‘bank’ as it would come to be known, was installed in an orbital space platform. Here it would survive the latest disaster that the earth would suffer. A small team, of only seventy-five people supported the station. However the disaster on the planet below was of biblical proportions. It was preceded by an extraordinary amount of solar flare activity. This station’s power system was solar in nature, because of this; it caused the space station’s main power system to malfunction. The platform crashed to Earth approximately three years after the floods occurred. No one knows how and no one can remember why it couldn’t be repaired. The surviving engineers managed to make the platform float. They made it do this just above the surface of the water. They then began to expand the platform, as they did this time flowed on and on, and soon almost one hundred years had passed. Then another hundred, and then another and another, until soon a floating platform had become a floating city, with a thousand years of history, and a thousand years of culture. The survivors of the disaster had had children, who had had even more children and soon, there was an extremely large population. All of these people needed home homes to live in, so the platform was expanded. It soon encompassed half the globe and with its high technology the people living in this city wanted for nothing… Or did they? The world was called Earth. The City, It was called Newark