Is It Odd? Is it odd that in the absence of fear I find no courage? Or that the sun never shines down on me? I wonder now if I ever did find the honey of a golden bee, Would it provide as was intended to make all of us happy? Or would we just awe and smile and say, That's just how it all is these days. . . Is it odd that in the absence of fear I find no courage? Or how #life always seems to pass me by? Should I wonder why unlike my friends I wish to hide away? Why is it I have so many, if hiding is what I do all day? How is it I still have a soul mate, If I've not spoken to him of late? Is it odd that in the absence of fear I find no courage? That I never found anyone to love me? How we all dreamt of prince charming, but never a guy like he? Disappointingly we smile at the memories of what we could have done, But never did, As we think of the days we all got rid, Just like back then, today are we, Throwers away of the pain that we have, that seemed to relax us in the #life that we lead. Is it odd that in the absence of fear I find no courage?

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