It was dark. Damp. Cold. Moving off from the wall, he watched as his next victim walked past. Grinning slightly, he began to follow slowly. Stopping to look into a window whenever she turned around. " that's it little one. Keep on walking." Turning his head he smiled again when she turned into an alleyway before he began once more to stalk her. His full bloodlust upon him. Turning into the alley, he grinned again as she turned, her eyes widening in fear for a moment before her fight or flight instinct kicked in and she ran. Letting her run further for a moment, he let his incisors lengthen before putting on a burst of speed that only another vampire would see, catching her easily before sinking his fangs into the soft hollow of her neck. " real ease her immediately." growling and turning to the sound of the voice, he snarled. " Back off Raphael. This one is mine." " Not yours Damon, she is under my protection" Rushing forwards, Raphael gripped Damon, throwing him against the wall before unfurling his white wings. Lifting the woman into his arms, he beat his wings hard, smiling at the string of curses coming from Damon within the alley below. " Not this night vampire.."

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