Not My God... Slender beams of moonlight enter this darkened place as I kneel, Always lost, always alone, frozen here, waiting, unable to feel. Angelic forms wrought in panes of glass loom as dust dances in the air, A priest embalming the living dead for a god, believed we all share. Envisioned, embedded the devil forming an image in my mind, infiltrating my darkened soul. Religion knowing how to find. Realization dawning on my face. is it here? A faith to misplace. I raise my head, now crying out for this oblivious belief. A god mine? A god yours? a place to turn to for guidance during this anguish filled grief. Sacrificed mind, body and soul. as preached the competing holy trinity, Darkness fills this place, as I kneel alone, I'd rather the shadows give in to me. ( inspired? By heaven shunned by borderline)

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