Translate   12 years ago

The Little Madness Dearest reader, I have decided to tell you about the darkness in the world. It's in the air, it's in your friend Ian. Yes I know that Ian is you best friend. The darkness creeps behind you, it's even inside you. And you wanna know how I know? I AM the darkness. I'm the madness in the world. From the insane to the sane. Im still in those annoying, optimistic, happy-go-lucky people. I'm in your writing. Oh? You're wondering how I am? You think you just can get away with those hope filled #poems? YOU'RE WRONG. Madness is a very dangerous thing you see. I'm the dark corner in the back of your mind making you think that you just want to be evil. Like purposely stuffing your kitten Mittens in your oven and setting it on high...Whaaat?! You already did that?! Heh, you know mittens always pissed you off anyway. Anyway, Farewell. For now. Sincerely, Suffersong

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