Translate   12 years ago

The Girl Im Gavin and when I was fourteen, I lived at a farm. Not just any farm that would have cows, chickens, sheep, miscellaneous animals like that. We just had a wheat field, an empty barn, a house of course, and...A little girl. Now that was not the creepiest of it. My friend Matt used to come over when we were like..Maybe nine or ten? But he doesn't come over anymore.. Well I should say he isn't WITH us anymore.. Well that's not the point, ya' see, when Matt came over... We played in our field. It was fun, no doubt, but.. I got the strange feeling we were watched.. And then, I saw it. A little girl... Now I know what your thinking. ' What is a little girl gonna do?' Well this little girl wasn't so cute as most little girls look like.. She had long finger nails, burnt black hair, teeth so long and sharp she couldn't close her mouth without hurting it, white skin... And white sockets for eyes... Holding a teddy bear... We ran as soon as we saw it. What else would we do? Now this is where if gets worse. We started seeing 'it' around more and, more and more. I was truly scared when... I heard that Matt, had disappeared... But I realized that the little girl would smile when it saw him. And I shivered at night thinking that this thing would GET me. Because every time I looked in the bloody field I saw that damn girl! I was at my breaking point when I saw white words on the side of our house saying " SHE COMES" Look out little boys and girls.. She's coming for you...

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