The Gang Two Years Ago... I drum my fingers against the wooden table. My sigh of frustration echoes throughout the empty house. 'How is it that four letters can shape my #life forever?' I think to myself. I look at my watch. Five to seven. The postman should have been here almost half an hour ago now. Does he not know how important this letter is to me? It's probably the single most important piece of paper I'll ever receive. 'What if I've done badly? What if the administrator had been in a bad mood? Hell, for all I know the Devil himself could have erupted out of the ground and changed my mark.' "Calm down Lee", I whisper to myself,"You've done well. You worked your ass off for these exams, you must have done well." I hear the soft rustle of paper hitting the floor. I shoot like a bolt to the door. I look down at the letter. The small, brown package that contained the rest of my #life. I take it in my hands. I can't bring myself to open it. My hands are shaking. I close my eyes and rip open the seal. I allow myself a slight peek. The tiny black print seems so imposing against the white paper. I marginally open my squint, and smile. I grab the phone from the side and dial the first number on speed-dial. It picks up on the first ring. "Hey Lee, how are you, got your results?", Says Laila, my girlfriend. I can hardly contain my excitement. It's like my heart is bubbling out of my chest. "Four A stars!", I almost shout down the line. I hear Laila squeal with delight. "Three A stars and an A", she rambles back down the line, "So we'll be in the same uni. Different divisions, but the same uni!" "I can't wait!" And I really mean it. I have a world of doors opening before my eyes, each one shining brighter than the last. "I've got to go now", I say, bubbling, "love you, bye." The soft static of her phone hanging up tickles my ear. I feel a slight vibration in my back pocket. I reach for my phone. It's Adam, my best mate. "Hey Adam, y'alright, got your results?" "Nah, not yet, you?" "Yea, four A stars!" He laughs, "Now that's the nerdy Lee I know. You coming down the pub tonight then, with the lads?" "Yea, go on then, I deserve a treat." "Sure as hell you do! See ya tonight then, OK." "See ya." I'm literally hysterical. I feel like I could physically burst. My heart is just swelling and expanding and- Knock, knock, knock. Well who could that be at this hour. Probably just a cold caller. I walk to the door, almost skipping with happiness. I pull open the door. It's a policeman. Suddenly my heart starts sinking, and a thousand dreadful scenarios crash though my head, each one more terrifying than the last. "Are you Lee Francis Milligan", he asks me, seriously and sincerely. I can only find strength to slightly nod my head. "My name is PC Steven Hardwick, and I am sorry to have to inform you that your parents have been involved in a fatal road accident.
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Kinuthia Gakonga
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