Translate   12 years ago

The material tools of #life: #1 Mobile Phones I love my phone, I check it at random and according to "stats", 78% of the population reach for their phone when they first awake in the morning! It has become the "comfort blanket" of #life and a valuable tool in many situations, though not all are good! Here are my pet mobile phone love and hate: Pretending to use your phone in an "I-HATE" scenario (Interacting with Handset Any Time when Embarrassed) Blatantly using your phone when there is a lack of interest in what someone is saying The I-HATE scenarios are the best, often whilst out running I put the world to rights by rehearsing discussions (fictional or real / to be had) and can be caught out by unsuspecting members of the public! This seems to alarm most people, the sight of someone out running exclaiming, "yea, so that's what I need to tell the f***er", can I guess may be a tad unsettling, given that there is no one running beside you! If you do partake in talking to yourself or even holding full blown discussions between two or three other imaginary people whilst out jogging or driving etc, fear not, this is perfectly normal. It's what we do when we get caught that intrigues me! Depending on the activity / situation depends on the I-HATE course of action. Running / jogging along with many other sporting activities can be relatively easy to cover, simply put your middle finger up to your ear and people may believe you are using a set of ear buds / mic with your mobile, or even better still, that you are a government agent on the trail of someone. Either way, its better than doing nothing and moving past looking at the pavement! Blatantly using your phone when there is a lack of interest in what someone is saying is perhaps the scourge of the social world, it's rude, disrespectful, arrogant and sad! ........what do you think?

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