Traduire   13 années depuis

I Hear His Name I hear his name And I stand at attention I become alert I am happy And not only does my heart skip a few beats But i hear it beat in my ears and i think Thats my guy... Im lying to myself tho Insane huh....aren't we all With him i am indecisive I am a nervous wreck I hate it I feel vulnerable I feel weak and i cannot protect myself from this feeling There are sweet moments When he makes me laugh or smile And my world is for only a few seconds At peace And then theres the times when i know in my heart He isn't the one for me I don't do anything for him No skipped heartbeats And no nervousness It crushes me We are hardly friends And all i can do is accept it I hear this guys name And it's powerful He is powerful In wit In strength i stand at attention Because i want his attention And ill do anything for it But he dismisses me And his rejection is striking Its a jab in the jaw But i feel it in my chest And then i think whats wrong with me Is it the way i dress Is it this vessel i am one with My home? I hear his name And i know of my imperfections I hear his name What's in a name Love

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