Vertalen   13 jaren geleden

Starting A New Blog! - A New Chapter So it's 22:45 on the 16th June 2012, and I have decided to start a new blog. Again! But this time I want a theme for my blogs. Something to readers, who ever you are? could just read and take interest. But for some reason I decided to write this blog as if I was talking to someone. Like a letter to a long lost friend, or to someone new. It wouldn't go into detailing my #life, my ups and downs, my goals or achievements etc.. But what I was thinking, my thoughts, my opinions. Some time they may be random and sometimes you may understand these fully. But the hardest part of start a blog is first which blog net work to use first. then it's to worry about what to write about or even how to write it. But I am hoping with time, that I can find away to let it flow. Know what I wanna write and how to write it. This evening was my time to think about what to write about, I didn't come up with a lot. Or they were dead ideas, not leading to much and / or if I had time to do them. So I decided to write about random things. Not just random focuses points, or random or words put together to make a blog for the sake of it. But random as they is no continue running theme though out the blogs. I will admit now that my spelling isn't the best, and I know I have spell check on the device I am writing my blogs on. But at times even they don't know what word I'm trying to write. So I will aploagise now for any errors in that. A you can tell this blog as been about starting up a new blog, and what a head spiner it is. Like I said above there is much to consider, themes, username, password, address name, what you wants to call your blog etc etc..... Nothing seems to be easy about a blog these days. Plus you want to make sure you use a blog site that is popular and use to use for you readers ( who ever you are?) But by the time you sorted that all out, do you really feel in the mood to write about anything? Of course you guessed I did as I wrote this blog. I am sorry it's nothing amazing, but in time I will get use to. How to write a blog and write more interesting things. As the title says starting a new Blog June 2012, and I have done. That is one well two if you count this as being published done on my goal list ( I'll explain more in next blog) So I will leave you with this intro blog for the mean time Until next time my readers this is Steven loging off S

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