Strawberry Pie Yes fish and chips said jennifer when her mum asked her what she wanted for tea from the chippy right be back in 30 minuets said her mum. she was 17 so old enough to stay home alone. Whiles Jennifer was watching tv she was hungry already so couldn't wait for her chips went to the fridge and got a strawberry pie opened her mouth carefully and eat one big bite in one second she tasted it and loudly spat it out and shouted that's not strawberry that's blood it was poisenes and fell to the ground immediately with saliva streaming out her mouth. 20 mins later her mum came back home with her tea came in the kitchen and saw jennifer on the floor reported it to the police and they investigated but nothing came up finnaly saw a half eaten strawberry pie on the floor. 2 weeks later they found out who put the poison in the pie it was the mother she went to jail for #life Who wanted her killed Do you get it

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