Traducciones   13 años

The Lyrish States of Southern Elavan, owned by the races of Nollos and Ayseys, were form in 3567 (Sepistanian year) of the 18th of Mare. Originally under Melvic, Norrish and Tartallian control, the two countries of Nollovan and Ayseyavan requested independence and to join the Land of Youth (a nation that consisted of Melvvan, Norrodrim and The Tartallian Empire in the north). Nollovan and Ayseyavan made their request on the fact that, if the Tartallian Empire, which almost spanned the whole length from the north to south of Elavan, was allowed in the Land of Youth, then they should be. After being denied this request by the Council of the Land of Youth, the two nations of Nollovan and Ayseyavan united and created the LSSE or the Lyrish States of Southern Elavan. Financially, they were both different countries, allow them to trade with each other, but they represented themselves as the LSSE. Together they were: the richest, biggest, most populated and had the biggest army, throughout the whole of Sepistania. Instead of being a Monarchy, like the rest of Elavan, they became a join Mastery, under one Nollo Master and another Aysey Master. The LSSE survived right up until the end of Sepistania, on the year 5003 or 1066 in our years. The LSSE's flag had a device of a Golden Sun, Silver Moon and a Bronze Star over a dark green background, to show that the majority of the LSSE was a hot marshland and jungle.

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