Tradurre   13 anni fa

The Great World Of Arcadia Generation 1, The Great Continent, Chapter Six I know that I've taken quite a break from posting chapters for this series, but believe me, you have no idea what's been going on in my #life... So let's get back to the opussing! Allen woke up in a nice bed, it had been three months since he, Risa, and King had decided to stay in Abdula with John and his daughter. Nothing went on because the next sacred element was conveniently located in a museum in the town. The town was built above the temple that originally housed it. Allen had already obtained the ability that came with it. It was a healing spell, not very powerful but still better than nothing. The reason they stayed at the town was to use the aquamarine and bloodstone to attract Maiza so as to confront him and regain the other elements once more. He is said to gather the elements in order so this was a good chance to brush up on techniques and battle strategies. Risa's Rifle could now switch from semi-auto to automatic, so that was a plus. "Soooooo... Bored..." Allen said. No action besides training had happened for the past three months. "It's not that bad." Risa responded, "at least we get to relax, who knows, we'll probably be the ones killing Andromeda." Allen looked to the window. Outside a dark cloud was amassed in the center, this was the league of the damned, but never had it felt so close. Thunder storms boomed inside of it. Andromeda is a celestial being that resides in the confines of space, circling the planet. Every once and a while it would be visible from the ground but only for a few moments as the creature flew at high speeds across the atmosphere that it would disappear from view moments after it was spotted. Everywhere it went, Reversed spawned. "The day we do have to fight that thing... Will the white sword alone really be enough for the job?" Allen asked. "I'm pretty sure it will," Risa answered, "if you're our chosen one then it's bound to give you some eleventh hour superpower or something like that..." "I guess you're right..." Allen mumbled. "HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO CHILDREN OF ABDULA!!" A voiced boomed near the center of the peaceful village. "I REQUEST THAT YOU ALL COME TO THIS VILLAGE MEETING!!" "What the hell?..." Risa mumbled. "Shall we wake the others?" Allen asked. "Sounds like a good idea," Risa responded. "I'm certainly awake now..." As Allen and Risa came down to the living room, John and Heather were all dressed to see what all the commotion was about. "Well I see Gladstone woke you two up as well?" Heather quipped. "Gladstone?" Allen asked. "He acts like the big honcho of our village, yet he rarely does a damn thing when things really need to get done." Heather replied. "Sounds like a legitimate reason to use him as target practice..." Risa joked. "You'd certainly be doing us all a favor..." John responded. "Oh well lets see what he has to say this time... King, you don't mind holding down the fort do you?" "Fair enough." King responded. The four of them finally arrived to the village plaza, where a man in a conspicuous red suit was talking into a microphone. "Hello..." the man said as he noticed Allen and Risa. "You two are angels, aren't you?!" "What's it to ya?" Risa responded in a sassy tone "That sword! You will give it to me or else your lives shall be forfeite-" KABOOOM!!! Everyone paused to stare at the explosion's radius of destruction as two figures appeared. "Kaizo and Kaiza, demon twins, and angel hunters extraordinaire... Making a badass entrance, as per usual..." said Kaizo "as per usual?" Kaiza responded, "we only blew up that house because we knew the two angels were gonna be here. You know because we only had enough explosives to blow one thing up?" "I know sis..." Kaizo replied, "Intimidation! Do you know it mother fucker!" He said as he hit Kaiza with the pipe. "now where were we?..." "Demons?! In my town?! Battling with Angels?! I'm out of this crapsack town!" "What the hell Gladstone?!" someone in the crowd yelled. But by the time people realized what Gladstone was doing, he was already booking it right on out of there. "Don't worry Allen, I won't let him off that easy," Said Risa, "you just take care of the demons, their weapons are fairly low class considering how bold they are, just make sure not to underestimate them..." "Don't worry, I got this." Allen responded. "Hey this angel has the same sword as that other guy who attacked us..." Kaiza pointed out. "so we obviously gotta kick this kid's ass..." Kaizo responded, in a flash he was already close up to Allen ready to strike, and with a quick counter Allen shoved him back. Kaizo rushed in once more with a wild swing, once again Allen dodged the blow and countered with a slash nicking Kaizo. Kaizo stood back for a second. "Kaiza stop sitting around an help me damn it!" said Kaizo. Kaiza looked up from where she was standing, "I got this..." she said as she and Kaizo rushed in for a double hit but as they closed in, time slowed to halt as the two demon twins floated in front of Allen. Allen looked to the sword, it seemed to be glowing with a special radiance. As he looked at it he gained knowledge of a skill. He positioned the sword and dashed forward with the blade out. As he passed them time began to speed up once more and once it had hit its original speed the two demon twins seemed to be slashed repeatingly with a barrage of slashes until they had fallen to the ground. "What... Was that?..." Allen mumbled. "Allen!" Risa called, "I got Gladstone!" Allen turned around to see Risa coming this way, Gladstone in tow. "Now we just have to decide what to do with this one..." Allen said. "So I see you caught our little coward." Said Heather, "To think we all hid to our homes as if the Reversed had come to kill us all, yet you handled these demons with ease. But we'll talk about this later, first we have to deal with this guy..." Gladstone looked up and said, "wa-wait! Please don't kill me!! I can help you I swear!" "How exactly can he help us?" Risa asked. "Maybe he could help us get the elements?..." Said Allen. "Can he do that?" Heather responded? "He actually can." said King, walking up to the group. "But only the white sword opens the gates housing the elements." Risa responded. "yeah, about that... We um... Have a bit of a problem..." Said King. "I'll explain at the blacksmith's shop..." and so the group went back to the shop, once again with Gladstone in tow along with the unconscious demon twins. "Maiza has obtained all of the elements..." "WHAT?!?!" Risa and Allen yelled at the same time. "How did this happen?!" Allen asked. "Maiza visited me while you two were away, he had the twelve elements on him, and his power was beyond anything I've ever seen..." King explained "he had the twelve elements? Didn't you have one element though." Risa asked. "I did until he took it from me, with all that power there is no stopping him now..." said King "He... He wants to test your strength atop the summit of the divine mountain. He said he shall wait for you there." "the divine mountain?" Allen mumbled, "You said Gladstone could help King," said John, "just what exactly is he useful for?" "Word has gone out that the League of the Damned's leader, Argus, is planning to unleash the Reversed across the land, and with the council of the heavens killed along with no angels to fight against them, the world looks just about doomed. Gladstone is a military leader correct?" said King. "yeah, but my army is no match for the Reversed, let alone Andromeda, we would be killed." Gladstone responded. "The goal is not to defeat their army, but to distract them long enough for Allen to battle Andromeda." King replied. "But, King, I don't have any of the elements, it's a suicide mission without them." said Allen. "you may not have the elements, but I shall grant you rest of my power," said King, "In doing this however, I will no longer exist and I will no longer be able to guide you. With my power you will go to the summit of the divine mountain along with Risa and battle Maiza. I know not of what will happen then but based on our prophecy, you gain a spiritual power that is great enough to purge this evil. In the meantime, Gladstone will have to gather troops from every village to participate in this war." "We shall participate in this war." Said Kaizo, "We demons were to take over the world together as a single unit, but I would think Argus plans to take it all for himself, and we will certainly not bow down to him." "Be warned children," Said King, "The Divine mountain stands tall with harsh cold winds blowing on every corner. The Reversed do not inhabit the mountain because of the sheer cold, only the guardians. The guardians prevent anything from reaching the summit so flying to the top is out of the question. You will have to stay low where they will not be able to spot you easily, if they do, you're only hope is to run. The snow and ice have a special curse on them that prohibits all types of magic but these enchanted robes, they shall protect you from the cold..." King pulled up two capes, one red one and a white one, both with intricate designs on the borders of the material. "We're on it King..." Allen responded. "and with that I shall grant you the rest of my power. I bid thee farewell, and good luck." said King as he placed his hand on Allen's head. Allen's head streamed with new abilities and skills he had never thought of, to control the winds, clouds, thunder, ice, water, fire and much, much more. After it had been done, King disappeared from existence, gone forever. "So. What now?" Risa asked. Allen stood quietly for a moment with the two capes in hand. Then said, "We head for the divine mountain of course.." Well that's the end of that chapter, sorry if the plot feels like it got a bit rushed, I'm just really eager to start up generation two that I might end up speeding up what was already a decent storyline. I hope you enjoyed this installment, we'll be heading to our final destination shortly...

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