The World Of Odin How long had it been. There was no way of knowing. Odin. Why did that word keep coming back to her. Who was he. And how was she sure that Odin was a he. The place looked as if it had been plucked right out of one of her dreams. The beauty and serenity was breathtaking, punctuated only by the dull throbbing noise coming, from somewhere. She couldn't place its source, but it was definitely coming from her right. Maybe that was because, she was yet unable to see to her left. The stringing pain in her left cervical did not allow even an inch of movement. Although she had been conscious for a few minutes, it was only now that she was starting to see things clearly. The pain in the back had also subsided. The blinding headache as she tried to get up made her scream out in agony. Despite the pain, she got up and did a 360. What, in God's name, had happened to her. An why, the only thing that she remembered was, Odin... Somehow, if she could remember him, she would remember everything else.

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