Too late. He sat in the back row of the buzzing classroom, in the far corner, watching. No one noticed him. No one noticed his eyes shift from person to person, taking in every little detail. No one noticed his hand slip under the wooden table and into his pocket. No one made any attempt to communicate with him; they didn't even look his way. It was like he was totally invisible. Everyone noticed when she walked in the classroom, though. Everyone greeted her with smiles and light talk. She laughed with everyone else, she behaved like everyone else, but she noticed him. Her gaze met his eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Her smile dropped off of her lips, as if it had been melted away on this hot day. His excitement only hightened. No one noticed when she stopped talking; too busy thinking about themselves. No one noticed when he stood up out of his chair and began striding across the room, towards her. No one noticed that her lips were trembling and her eyes were fearful. No one noticed when he removed his hand from his pocket. No one noticed that his hand was clutching a shiny, metal, sharp knife. No one noticed when she stumbled a back a few steps. No one noticed when he approached her. No one noticed as he put his arm out, holding the weapon. No one realised what he was going to do next. No one... No one noticed until it was too late.

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