Translate   12 years ago

Love. To write about love may be the biggest cliche in the book, but I have in pleasure of being in love. Love is not a term you can throw around. There are different kinds of love. There's the love for family and the love for friends. But the most #life changing - Falling in love. True love is so real, so raw, that when you say it, it feels up your whole being. It has ups and downs, but it remains undying and everlasting. You can drop anything, however important and travel any distance, just to be with the one you love. You could fall in love with anyone. Love could steadily grow, with someone close to you, till it can no longer be ignored. It can be love at first sight, a smile in the street that is never forgotten. Love happens everywhere, everyday. Between so many different people, but to each of those people it's a light in the dark. So when you next say I love you, make sure you mean it <3

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