Dark Antisocial Nerd 2 However, all those popular girls, mostly that girl, named Lea, I don't have the most little idea why she hates me so much, why she bothers me so much, why she likes to make my #life even more misserable, why she likes to point out my flaws, even when I am the one that knows them the most. That girl hates me, since the very first day. Let's see if this year she finally achieve that I arrive to suicide. But for the moment I still have hope, I still have hope... Chapter one: Lea's POV: I am finally arriving home after a party that lasted around, two or three days? I don't know. I was drunk even since after arriving the party. I am still drunk. I can't even open the door properly. But I can hear since before I enter my house the shouts. In someway, is good to still be drunk. When I open the door I find out two angry pairs of eyes looking at me. We were a united family, until momma decided to become a "bad girl" (so I wondered, if she can, why I can't?) and leaved us alone. She tried to keep with her my sister, Anna, but dad won her legaly. So, she's officially ours. Mom? We don't have idea where she is now. But, either, we don't need her. Dad decided to get married again. My new step-mom is a good woman. She likes us, we like her. Dad and her had a baby and he is still so little, so delicate. He's just two months old and he already has a drunk sister. Anyways, I love my boyfiend and someday we will live alone, with no one bothering us, doing what we want, whenever we want, however we want. Step-mom Lilly and dad Matthew had been fighting (I think all day long) because they didn't knew where I was or what I was doing. We had one of those long talks. I do not care. Instead of all these I still feel unloved. Mom was the only one who gave me certain love, and she leave us, she leaved me, an instead of me, she tried to take Anna with her. All these feelings are killing me. But, however I will bother this girl named Amy, tomorrow in the first day of school, when I will finally turn into officially a senior. This girl isn't bad, she isn't ugly either, or stupid. The only reason I bother her is because she is weak, and she can't defend herself, at least she don't want to, and I need someone to vent in. The only reason she is weird, is that she is antisocial. She doesn't talk to anyone, or even talk. She isn't dark, she just don't use bright or phosphorecent colors, she do not uses make up, and she has a rebel curly brown hair. She is beautiful, even without makeup. Another reason to hate her even more. I need make up. A lot. To look "beautiful". Tomorrow will start school. I just have two notebooks, a pencil and a pen for my year. I don't care. Goodnight. Amy's POV: I have wake up. Mom isn't at home, what a new, she is never at home dad isn't either. He maybe is in a party, or in grandma's house It's first day of school. I am officially a senior. Girls have waited for this moment all their #lifes, an they turn crazy when that moment arrives. Should I be excited too? I don't know but I am sure I am feeling like this is just another first day. I hope that this girl ignore me this year insted of pointing my imperfections. I hope that this year my parents start noticing that they have a daughter. And that she wants some attention. I take my backpack and start my journey to school. I wait for the bus, and the moment I enter the bus, I realize that nothing is gonna change, that nothing has changed, so I take the place I took everyday the last two years of school, at the very front. In the next bus stop, there they are Lea and her girls. This is the moment I realize Lea wont change. She looks at me and tells me: "what have you been doing all summer long? Huh? I never saw you in even a party. I'm sure have been on your home as a forever alone." Okay, this is the moment. "At least I wasn't a prostitute". The words that come out from my mouth surprise me. I am officially dead. "Are you calling me a prostitute, bitch?". But for mu surprise, and everyone's surprise, she looks at me and walks away to take her seat on the bus, making some new students move to another place. When we arrive to the school, I take my new locker and put my stuff in. I see the class I have next and go there. It have passed along half of an hour when someone knocks the door. James' POV: I couldn't find my classroom, but when I was about to give up, I found it. So I knocked the door and like fourty faces looked at me, plus the teacher's one. She asked me my name and told me to take a seat. Since I enter the room I saw like four different groups of students. I noticed the popular's one, the athletic's one, the nerds one, and a girl, alone at the front. Weird. I think that was the word first came to my mind. She was weird, but not ugly. She had a dark brown hair, a dark blue t-shirt and converse, and a perfect white skin. I took the only seat empty. Just next to her. I have been on a catholic school all my #life, but this year, my senior year, my parents let me choose a school, and this huge ammount of students in just a class, was something new for me. Amy's POV: He had a white skin and dark brown hair, but a pair of beautiful honey eyes, his eyes looked so gently, so happy, he wasn't athletic at all, but he wasn't fat either. He took the seat next to me. Then he asks me the number of the page that we were reading and tells me that we are too much in the class, and I told him that almost in all the schools there are this number of kids. He told me he camed from a catholic school, where he has been all his #life. He was really kind and I decided to open myself a little after some days of meeting him, and talking to him in all the asignatures and all the days. I tell him what I like: photography, painting, guitar and write letters, he tells me he just like to see God's work, I tell him too that I believe in God, and that He's everything to me, he tells me the same. He has realized that Lea bothers me, she hasn't change, but I have now a new friend.

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