Traducciones   13 años

Just A Dream? The man in front of me stood tall wearing a bright green suit, yellow waist coat and a red tie. He was old but his dominant blue eyes took years off of him. Intrigued by his whole presence I put one hand forward to shake his but he suddenly jumped back. 'Watch out! You might step on the dolphin.' he suddenly wailed while Throwing his arms above his head. I gave him a confused look but at That very moment a Dolphin appeared in front of me. 'Where did this dolphin come from?' I asked 'we aren't even in the sea!' 'But we are.' the man said. And at that very moment we fell into the ocean. 'I can't swim!' I called. 'But you can fly!' In an instant I was flying hight in the sky. The harsh wind was passing through my hair and I stuck my tongue out in hopes to lick a cloud. I looked to my side and the man was flying besides me with a huge grin on his face. 'How is this happening?' I called. And then the man stopped. 'It isn't.' I awoke in my room. It was pitch black but after a moment I found the lamp besides my bed and turned it on. Taking deep breaths I calmed myself down. 'Few, it was just a dream.' 'But it wasn't.' a voice said.

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