Traducciones   13 años

The Village of Pumple-Part Two As Lavender walked through the door, she felt very uneasy. She looked around the room, as if checking that there was no one there, then she placed her pyjamas on her pillow. She sat down on the blood red covers, feeling the softness of them beneath her hands. Then her head jerked up and she stared out into open space. The reason why Lavender could defeat Shadow and know what moves he was going to use, was because she could see into the future. It wasn't whenever she wanted though, visions came to her at random times. She would see good and bad ones, but if she saw a bad one, at least she could try and prevent it. That's how she can always defeat Shadow, because she knows what is going to happen. Lavender's blank expression turned; a deep frown started to crease her forehead and her eyes were fearful. This vision seemed to be a bad one. The visions didn't last very long, normally abou 30 seconds. Ten more fearful seconds passed and Lavender relaxed and loosened. She heaved a sigh. Sometimes having vivid visions made her tired. She laid down on her bedcovers and muttered to herself, 'this can't be good'. Lavender was so comfy where she was that she forgot what she had to do next. She opened her heavy eyes very quickly and ran over to the jewel incrusted phone. She jabbed her fingers onto the right numbers and held the phone to her ear. She tapped her foot impatiently as the phone rang, but then a voice answered. "Hello? It's Lavender. Please could you come as soon as possible, it's important." Lavender rushed her speech and hung up the phone. It made a bleeping sound as it went back in it's holder. Lavender closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, and then made her way into the grandest sitting room. A little while after she put the phone down, the doorbell rang. She heard her butler shuffling to the front door and greeting the visitor. Lavender stood up as a tall man walked into the room. He was dressed in a sleeveless top and long shorts. His face was unshaved and his eyes looked tired and weak. Even with these features, anyone would be able to see that this is a handsome man, and the Princess definitely thought so. He was not old but not too young; about 26. But his eyes showed experience and intelligence of someone who had lived a much longer #life. It was clear that this man had been doing what he does since he could practically walk, so much so that no one would disobey him. "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Anton." greeted Lavender, with a hand shake. She noticed that his hands were rough and had lots of scrapes and cuts on them. Anton flinched as Lavender touched his hand. "That's alright, my job is to protect you. What's weong?" Anton said in a rough voice that sounded like he had been using it too much. "I saw something...unsettling" Lavender said and gestured to a chair. Both of them sat down quietly. "I have been having worrying visions over the past week, little snippets of a big one. All I would hear is an evil sounding laugh and then thousands of people screaming, and all I saw were buildings on fire and people running around. Then the big one came to me. It was much worse; sorcerers were revealing magic to mortals, and killing them with it. There was a bomb in the middle of all of this as well." Lavender explained. Lavender noticed that a lot of colour had drained from Anton's face. His hands were shaking ever so slightly and he suddenly seemed even more tired than he was before. "Did you recognise any of the people doing this?" asked Anton, finding his voice again. "Yes, I know who they were. I have been worried about him for a long time, he couldn't have gone that long without causing any havoc, he was obviously planning this for all that time." Lavender looked down to the floor, tears stinging her eyes; she blinked them a few times to prevent them from spilling down her face. "Lavender, who were these people?" Anton asked urgently. Lavender looked up and quietly whispered the word: "Shadow". Anton's face flushed red; he was angry. "Shadow?" He whispered in a quiet rage. "Shadow?!" he roared this time. "Are you absolutely sure?" Anton asked, calming down a bit. Anton, as well as Lavender, had realised that this vision mean that Shadow's plan will actually work when he uses it, killing thousands of innocent people. "Positive. It looked like him, it had the same powers as him, and Mary and Flame were there too. It would explain why they set the buildings alight; it was magic fire, that's why it glowed green a few times, I just thought it was my vision weakening." Lavender tried to stand on her wobbly legs, but they wouldn't let her so she just collapsed back into the chair. "I have to find out what he's up to. This vision means that he could kill thousands of innocent people and if you didn't see us, then we must have already been dead." Anton wasn't the kind of guy to get emotional, but he heard his voice cracking. He managed to keep his voice steady to talk to Lavender. "If you see any more visions involving him, let me know. Thank you Lavender." Anton stormed out of the room and out the front door, Lavender heard it shut after him. She stood on her weak legs and walked and walked out of the room back into her bedroom. 'Shadow's back' Lavender thought. 'He's going to kill everyone. There may not be a chance to stop him this time.' When Lavender felt the tears prick her eyes again, she let them flow freely and silently down her face. 'No. I will not let him defeat me. He's had his time, but he won't get away with it anymore.' Lavender wiped the tears away from her eyes. She was strong. She can win. Of course, with the help of some old friends. Lavender was abruptly taken out of her thoughts as she heard a motorbike starting up. 'One of my old friends'. Even in these circumstances, she felt a smile at her lips. She ran over to the window, just to see Anton ride away on his shining bike. He was a hero; heroes aren't defeated. Together, they shall win. 3 'likes' for the next part...

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