A Review Of My #life Nothing quite puts #life perspective like a huge #life change, like the one I have recently experienced. For the past 16 years of my #life, I have been in full time education. I recently completed my final year of my undergraduate degree, and have now taken on more hours at what was my part time job. I work in an electrical retail store, a small shop that is slowly going to take away my soul. There are no jobs going that are even close to relating to what I studied for the last five years since leaving secondary school. How depressing. I need to move out of my parents home, just because at nearly 21 years old and having been in a relationship for the last four years, it's high time I grew up and lived as an adult. I did once have great dreams for the future, but now I look at my #life and think how silly and grandiose those were! Maybe I was aiming too high. How depressing. I know there are a lot of school age kids that use Opuss, and while I don't discourage dreams, I recommend that you seriously consider what it is you want from #life. In all honesty, my hopes and dreams have become rather modest. All I want from my #life right now is a job with guaranteed full time hours (my current job won't up my contract hours to that of full time). Seriously. That is my main goal in #life at the moment - full time work, preferably nine to five, Monday to Friday. I do, of course, have other things I'd like to achieve or attain, but these will not come to fruition until I am working full time. One of these is to upgrade my rusty little Fiat Punto to a much nicer, and newer model. I'm not even asking for brand new - just newer. Something with less wrong with it and... Wait for it... Yes, electric widows would be nice. I wish I was kidding. I would love a Corsa. Next on my wish list is to move out of my parents home. I love my crazy family dearly, but enough is enough. I'm a big girl now, I should be responsible for myself. Currently, my friend Bex's dad is looking to buy a place to rent to me and Matt (my boyfriend) and Bex and Connor (her boyfriend). Hopefully,this will happen soon. Fingers crossed, anyway! That's seriously all I want right now. It's not too much to ask for, is it?
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