A Herb, The Kid And A Cook "Bubble Bubble Soil and rubble Breads crumble And cauldron trouble" chanted the amateur cooking witch Her cat had stared, name little Mitch "Add a dash of mud And a drop of condensed grub Then sprinkle some salt and hazel And....hey! Where is the basil!!!" She looked around for where it could be Her eyes search and look at what it did see! A little book Big and yellow "Looky look! My mellows!" So as you see, the witch cook saw a big yellow book. She didn't know what It was but no care would appear. She searched. "Alice Andrea Amelia Arya All those start with A! Now onto B Billy Bobbin Bobby Basil Aha!" So now, the witch found Basil. What was weird was that instead of the shop names, she found the address of a home-in Abu Dhabi. "I don't care! Not one bit! I will sway.. Till I reach it!" Many fairy folk heard the news and started preparing for a celebration. She was preparing to go! Her broom was ready and she whisked away to find basil! "oh I travel a lot Never to stop I can't wait for the pot And the thing to drop" The witch was happy! Finally, she reached and knocked. "o My friend I look for basil It's has not end, Only the hazel." A mother who opened the door stared blankly. She replied,"What are you? I have basil, yes I do. But I ain't giving it to you" The witch was surprised. It's as if basil was her son. She turned away, "You'll regret the day!" The mother shut the door, and called," Basil! Go to bed!" "Yes mummy!" replied the son. "What misery! Worthless friend. For now... It's the end!"

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