übersetzen   13 Jahre

Call Of The Spirits Chapter 13 The tunnel was pitch black apart from the tiny rays of light at the other end. There was this noise coming from above us, music, feet, talking and a faint buzzing noise. "Fortis, can you hear that noise" I ask the darkness, "Yes, sweetie, I can" the darkness tells me, "Where are you" I ask, "Would this be a clue" he says and puts his arm around my waist and it made me jump. "You scared me to death" I tell him, "Not much longer in the dark now Parva, you will survive it". I hoped I will. Then Fortis strangely started to recite a rhyming line that creeped me out, "Darkness bites the children after light, If he doesn't bite you, he'll bite you tonight". "You are just scary, having rhyming lines in your head that are just, terrifying" I say to him. "Look where we are now" he says and right in front of us was a ladder leading up to a trap door. "That's where the tiny rays of light are coming from" I say as if I was talking to myself, "I'll go first" Fortis said, but then suddenly the trap door opened and he nearly had a heart attack. "Hurry up, even we got here first" whispered a voice, it was Caelum and Caeli. I quickly followed Fortis up the ladder into the light, when I reached the top it took me a couple of minutes for my eyes to adjust to this unusually bright light. When I could see again I noticed Caeli who was sat on a chair, was wearing a violet dress, if only I could swap with her but then I would feel sorry for Fortis being forced to wear a violet suit. "How did you get in so quick" I ask Caeli, "The gate" she replies, "The gate? Why couldn't Fortis and I just go through it instead of the secret passage"? I ask annoyed, "Species check, DNA check, X-ray, etc, you would have been electrocuted, no escape" Caelum explains "And Fortis you wouldn't want that to happen to your precious gem, Parva". Fortis was clearly annoyed by this but stayed still instead of breaking his neck. "Who does the gate let through" I ask Caelum, "Humans and the Superior" he says, "Who or what are the Superior?" Fortis asks, "We don't know, but it could be some type of human developed race" "We're human" Caeli says, "I think they already know that" Caelum said rolling his eyes. "Where are we" I ask looking around the damp, dusty, room that looked a little like a restaurant, "This used to be a cafe called Cafe Rouge" Caeli says "Home to the secret passage that only we know" "We better get going before we are spotted" Fortis says in a I don't like this place voice, "Fortis, Cinereo is very formal, so tuck your shirt in, hold your girlfriend's hand as if it's made from bone china and one little squeeze would shatter it and don't worry about standing out" Caeli beams. We stepped out of the door into a deserted street where there was nobody to be found apart from this neat cottage, but the owner was out, I hope. The position Fortis and I were in was most uncomfortable, I felt like the blood was draining out of my right hand but Fortis looked like there wasn't a pint of blood in him. "Relax" I whisper to him "You look like you have seen a ghost", "S-s-scared" he whispers back, "We all are s-" I whisper but Caeli interrupts, "Quiet, we are meant to be in complete silence while walking, it's tradition" she says through her teeth. Whoa, I think, one lousy tradition, well, this is one lousy city. Keeping a immaculately straight posture is nearly impossible since I've spent all my #life cooped around a small fire or crouched in a tree sheltering from the pounding rain or keeping out of reach of the dangerous beasts below that occupy the forests outside Kaylyle. "Parva, look, look" Fortis whispers to me, I hate it when I go into daydream mode. I suddenly could feel my jaw drop in awe as we hit a wall of sound, all I could hear was violins, flutes, guitars and lots of other instruments but many I couldn't describe or name. Cinereo was a forcefield covered city, that's why I couldn't hear the music outside. "We don't stick out like sore thumbs dear" Fortis mutters to me but I struggle to hear, but he was right there were people wearing pink, violet, pea green, blue, orange, black, white, indigo, red, yellow, cream, heather, gold, brown, bronze, hazel, grey, green, silver, every colour under the sun. "Look at that person" Fortis said quietly looking to our right. Water? A woman beside us was wearing water over a pearl coloured dress with who I assume is her husband was wearing snow that was obviously fake since it was like 30 degrees celsius in the domed city. "Where could the Nigrum Frigus be" I ask Caeli, "God knows" Caeli replied, "The Emperor's mansion" Fortis suggested, "Too obvious" Caelum said, "The Prime Minister's house at number 10" I suggest, "Good thinking, Fortis's girl" Caeli said. "Your good at this" Fortis complimented, "I didn't know there was a Prime Minister, I heard Captionem mention it, I just guessed" I say and we both burst out laughing no matter how stupid we looked, how many people were looking at us or if we were laughing so loudly and so informally, defiantly not laughing that Cinereo squeak that's high pitched, posh, that generally gets on outsider's nerves and goes ha ha ha ha, spiffing joke or something along the lines of that.

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