перевести   13 лет назад

Family This is a few paragraph's from a medium length story that I feel like writing. The streets were overflowing with litter. ' Why did I come back?'I thought as I walked down the small narrow street. Everything was changed, everyone was changed and no-one could ever change back It was a warm night and the party was amazing. I ran round to the back of the building as my little cousin counted to one hundred "99,100"He shouted. As he ran out of the building it blew up. It was all in slow motion , him screaming my name, me reacting too slow. Most people were outside so that was good but he wasn't. They said it was a gas leak, a fatal one. I wince as I remember the A and E. The smell was horrible and the sounds were worse. Families crying, screaming as their child was lost and I just stood. I still feel numb, it was three years ago, it still haunts me. The newspaper journalist's came and asked me question, the police came as well. I just sat and stared at them while they asked me questions that I couldn't answer. Once they realized I couldn't answer they left me alone and I will always be alone.

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