übersetzen   13 Jahre

Sugar Of Averin VI Once again they were walking along the same dirt path and Shadow started yelling some stuff twilight didn't understand, like 'Tyldnahff gdkaovnec dhakggsuv detxhrhux uavy abf sdgag dysarianika dhajgi gemahallerucb dhakvgsvf tudjefcfhskv gehjcv!' and twilight was just standing there and then they ran. Leon was yelling the same type of stuff with a serious and scared face, looking Directly at Twilight. She turned around only to be surprised by an arrow that cut the side of her leg ever so fast. She looked down... No blood, she thought. She looked again and there was a stream of blood right by her ankle. Leon yelled more randomness at her and then she blacked out. Wait for part V !! :3 ~~~~~

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