Sugar Of Averin Part III Shadow walked along a narrowish dirt path until they saw the first house. He quickly went inside and came back out again with a loaf of bread in his hand and a girl about as tall as Leon. She had long wavy pink hair tied back with a yellow ponytail, and she was wearing a light blue and white striped blouse with a Jean skirt. She walked up to twilight and said," Hi, My name is Erikah but you can call me Eri or whatever suits you best. I am Leon's twin sister, and this is our house!!". Eri walked over to a brick house with bricks on top of the brick chimney made of bricks and made in a city made of bricks named BrickVille. Eri put on a jacket and closed the front door ever so loudly. And off they were to downtown Averin. ~~~Part VI soon! :3~~~

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