Traducciones   13 años

Call Of The Spirits Chapter 12 Fortis's hair turned from dirt to soft after I washed it and I felt proud of it. It was about eleven and we had sat down for lunch, we were having a feast, the squirrel and a chunk of goats cheese Fortis happened to be carrying as part of a secret stash. After a while Fortis got bored and experimented, the result was a squirrel and cheese sandwich which he claims to be delicious and forces me to try it, so I take a nibble of his. It was as tasty as the sock smelt like roses but I tried not to pull a face so I lie instead, "Yum, great" I say not convincingly, I try to savour the moment and try not to drown myself with water to get the taste away and also get Fortis worried that I am actually trying to drown myself or I have rabies. He has quite a simple mind for someone who was in top set for everything, maths, english, french, you name it. This brings me to the thought of P.E, in our school, Pecan Fields high, all the girls dig boys from top set P.E. Fortis was trailed around school by a herds of them and he could have had any one of them but, why me. I was that quiet girl in the corner who knew much more than it seemed, but I wasn't as smart as Fortis. I never had liking for boys because they didn't really like me either, they were just into pretty girls but they called pretty girls fit, that just doesn't make sense. "Fortis, this sounds like a pretty dumb question to ask" I begin, "Fire away, pumpkin, I'm all ears" he says then tucks into another squirrel and cheese sandwich. "Why did you pick me, there were other girls, you brought your popularity down, I don't like sports at all, there is nothing fun about me" I say "There is" he says confidently and this scares me because he sounded like he knows me more than I know myself. "What is it then" I say knowing I have no talent at all, "I love your singing" he says in that same confided I know you better than you know yourself tone, "You always sung quietly to yourself when you thought nobody was listening, you were right about everyone else, but me, I always listened". He knows everything about me, first I'm a Spirit Warrior with a cat spirit form, now I sing to myself when I'm bored. "But I'm awful" I say truthfully, "Sing, sing, sing" Fortis chants, "If you really want to be deaf, think of a song" I say "I like that one I think is called Come Tomorrow" he says and strangely that's my favourite song. Creepy. I clear my throat and I begin "When the light comes, It will tap you to wake, Whispering your safe, Whispering your warm, Whispering your shielded, So you know, for you to remember, Come tomorrow, Tomorrow has come, When morning comes, Darkness flees away, All you need is a wonderful thought, To drift you off to sleep, You are safe from all the harms, Now you are here you will always be loved, Come tomorrow, Tomorrow has come, When the light comes, Cocooned in your bed, All your worries will fade away, All your darkest thoughts will disappear, Curled up you are safe, Curled up you are warm, Come tomorrow, Tomorrow has come, When morning comes, Darkness flees away, All you need is a wonderful thought, To drift you off to sleep, You are safe from all the harms, Now you are here you will always be loved, Come tomorrow, Tomorrow has come" I didn't notice all the time I had been singing, I had focused on a small willow on the other side of the stream so I turn to face Fortis. He was asleep. "Fortis wake up, we haven't made any distance towards Cinereo to rescue Vivos, come on, no time to sleep" I yell trying to pull him to consciousness, "I'm not asleep darling, but nearly, because your singing is so beautiful" he says opening his eyes, "I'll go and get the bags and the rags" say running off to the hollow tree. When I reached the tree I just managed to get all three bags and two blankets in my arms when Fortis called from behind me "Want me to carry them", "Sure I say" and I turn around. Fortis wasn't there, there was only a stag. "Fortis" I say trying to get past the stag to find him, "I'm the stag darling, I've transformed so I could carry the luggage" the stag says "Ok" I whisper and put the bags on his antlers and blankets on his back, "Does it hurt" I whisper hoping he is not hurt, "Not at all, don't worry, transform and hitchhike". He says. I didn't fancy walking anyway so I transform into a little cat with ginger fur and jump on his back, "Hold on sweetheart" he says. I did the opposite and took some time to strap the bags to his antlers and strap the rags in as well. The ride wasn't at all smooth, but we did cover more ground. "How far is it" I say knowing we won't be close or a ridiculous distance if The Caeruleus can travel it, "Another hour, roughly" he estimates. Within the hour we were in the forest surrounding Cinereo. "Its best if we transform back so we are not shot if we are spotted, we need to look human" he says and it just scares me. We quickly walked towards the big gate when we heard some whispers over to our left, "Over here lad and little lass" they murmured but the gate was opening and we were pulled to the left by the whisperers. "Are you trying to get yourselves killed" one said "Well the lad is trying to get his girlfriend slaughtered by going anywhere near the great gate" the other said disagreeing with the other. "I'm Fortis and this is Parva, we want to rescue our friend Vivos" Fortis begins "We need to get into Cinereo", "And your are Spirit Warriors" one said, "Why don't you just shoot us then" I say grumpily, "We want The Spirit Warriors to survive" one of them says "I'm Caeli and my partner is Caelum" Caeli says like we are new friends, "Shut up Caeli, sorry she's my twin and didn't get a fair share of knowledge" Caelum says grumpily. "Ok, you want to get into Cinereo, we have got clothes and a secret passage way" Caeli says cheerfully, but what did she mean by clothing. Caeli reached from behind her and grabbed a black bin bag, untied it and pulled the most extravagant dress out made with so much wonderful material it could dress six adults from Kaylyle. "Put this on" she says and holds it front of me the bright aqua material nearly blinding me. The dress fitted me perfectly apart from the dress trailed along the floor for about two feet. "I'll do your hair, Cinereo style" Caeli says to me leaving me hoping that Cinereo hair styles are not ridiculous and guess what, they were. My hair was french braided then coiled around into a bun with daisies woven into it. "What do you think, Parva" Fortis said while twirling in a matching aqua suit, the suit was worse than my dress, we'll stick out like a sore thumb. "Dashing" I lie "How do I look" I say trying to twirl, "Ravashing" he says and his voice didn't sound like he was lying, "My favourite colour" he whispers in my ear, now that's why he isn't lying. "Loverbirds, this is the passage way" Caelum says and pulling a clump of ivy away from the wall revealing a little passage in a rock "It goes into the deserted part at the west of city, we are in the south, as soon as you arrive head north to find the emperor's manor, I guess that could be close to The Nigrum Frigus". Fortis was first in the tunnel because I might sorry WILL get my dress stuck if not. I was going to jump into Fortis arms but Caeli shoved a cape in my arms and guess what it's colour was. Aqua. No. "You might need it" she said. And she was right.

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