Traducciones   13 años

Passion Five months into this two-year journey, and though it isn't quite what I envisioned it to be, I am glad that I took this step, even if it means gritting my teeth and bearing this out for another one and a half years more. Sometimes it is hard to discover what is truly meaningful and important to you until you take that foolhardy plunge. As you flounder in the vast ocean of new experiences and feel the waves crash over your head, the saltiness of the sea soaking into every corner of your being, only then your soul is awakened and your eyes opened, and you go, "Ah, now I know." * I want to read, devour words and learn to craft beautiful prose that penetrates each soul who reads my creation. At the heart of every writer, whether they admit it or not, is an ego demanding an audience. I want to write, and never stop creating. Pluck words from the air, spinning them like yarn into a beautiful tapestry.

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