Translate   12 years ago

We Were Meant To Be Together Sky's POV I looked at him, with tears swelling in my eyes. He just shook his head, a dull expression on his beautiful face. His face..... It... Was so.... Perfect. How could I be loosing the very thing I love. "You treat me like shit!" He shouted. The tears clouded my vision as I cried out. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me baby... Please. I love you!" He rolled his eyes. "If you loved me.... You would've treated me better" He threw the engagement ring I gave him on the floor next to me. "Keep it, if it even means anything." He left me. There lying on the ground bawling my eyes out. I cried out once more. "PLEASE!" I collapsed as I felt my heart wither away into a pit of darkness, black and cold. I closed my eyes, wishing it was just a nightmare. Sisters POV. I awoke in my bed with a flash, my breathing heavy. Something was wrong, I could sense it. Running out of my room I looked to see Xin my sisters fiancée walking out, and my sister crumpled on the floor. I screamed out Xin's name. "XIN!" He turned around and gave me a sharp glance. "What?" He said, In a rather rude tone. "What the bloody hell happened to my sister!" I shouted. "I left her...." He said. Xin turned around and walked out the empire doors. I was horrified. I glanced down at my sister, she still lay passed out in her corset dress. I ran into my room and rushed to get ready. SKY'S POV I awoke with a sudden need for oxygen. Gasping, I sat up, inhaling long and sharp breaths. My corset was squeezing me harshly, and I groaned. What even happened? Where was X- Oh my bloody hell. Everything can rushing back.... He left me. I cried out with and picked up his ring, dashing out the door screaming his name like bloody murder. After a few hours I gave up, and collapsed by a tree. I had no idea where I was... But I knew one thing. We were meant to be together.... And I will find my love, my soul, my Xin.

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