Footsteps And Thunder (Second Part) I woke to the sound of whispers, one sounded like an old man the other was unidentifiable. At first I though they were laughing until I heard the other voice say "Tell me where she is". I shivered, Now the voice was closer it seemed much familiar. The rain had now cleared. My shoulder ached from leaning against the inner wall of the boat. I crawled over to a hole in the wall and could jus about see out. It wasn't much use, it was getting quiet dark, the sky was misty, the whole thing reminded me of an old tale father would tell me, about a beautiful young girl who when dusk came she would become a swan. I missed father a lot, I was much closer to him than anyone like Rose, he was my favourite expedition partner, actually he was my only partner. What time was it? I absolutely knew it wasn't past eight because tonight it was a full#moonand it hadn't reached the tree line yet. If i'd left at around five id've been gone for at least 2 and a half hours! I had to get home before Mother or Rose came looking for me. I scuttled under the boat to find no one around, I kept walking until i saw a hunched over silhouette with another glaring over it. My eyes drew straight towards to what the taller man was holding, a very thin sharp knife. The memories came flowing back, the stories of father hanging in the stocks. What I saw next was outrageous, the young man stabbed the knife into the old man without hesitation. I stumbled forward, unable to steady myself and fell, I landed on an old stick, making the deathly cracking sound which I really could've done without. I saw the man turn in my direction, as soon as I had fallen I was back on my feet, legging it back towards the village. And that's where I am now, running like hell from some unknown murderer and in a direction I could only guess. A sudden crack of thunder hit the tree line in front of me.

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