übersetzen   13 Jahre

Dance! Oh dance; oh dance, in the dark abyss. Dance with the devil that clenches its fists. A vice Waltz with the reflection within, dance with the demon that bathes one in sin. As he leads you into an evil state, tracking mud past heavens’ gates. And into the soul of the princess you hate, that pitiful princess that made you suffocate. Dance with a sharp edged knife as a tongue. Lick her neck ‘till the deed is done. Dance with scissor hands, dance with a gun. One click, her temple, the ending’s begun. Oh dance; oh dance, in the morose rain. As her relatives stare with dreadful disdain, at the evil you’ve done and the man you’ve become. Just dance with the devil, for none can be won in a world where she leads her armies as one. Her beauty and body, her perfect silhouette, make way to her sullen heart laced in regret. She drags your heart through the mud… Oh dance; Oh dance in the glorious light, of the sun as it reveals its hideous plight. To decide to burn you or watch you fight, the darkness, the devil, the evil inside. Dance with the man you’ve created within, dressed in a suit of heinous sin. Dance, dear friend, with death and her gift. For she might be the only one to end all of this. The everlasting fight… Dance with your image and try to commence a Foxtrot to celebrate your malevolence. Dance to your bed, rest your weary eyes, rest your head. Dream of a place where you’re dead instead. Oh dance; oh dance, with the one you’ve betrayed. Stand in awe of His glory, and try to explain. Explain every murder and every blood stain, that’s etched in your bone, and marked in your name.

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