Translate   12 years ago

Call Of the Spirits Chapter 10 "Your not mad not even the slightest bit" he said in my ear and rapped his arms around me, but I just turned to face him and cried on his shoulder. I could tell he was thinking of something to say but then something stupidly parentish comes out. "There, there, Parva" he says stroking my back like a parent would do when their child is upset. Then my mood turned around, I strangely start laughing and he was laughing with me, I hope. "I brought you tea" he said, reaching over and giving me a bowl filled with stew and a wooden spoon, "Did you calve these spoons" I say, "No Vivos did them all, I just did this one" he said to me holding up his spoon that was uneven, a lot shorter and watching Fortis use it to eat his stew, it just cracks me up, but I manage to keep the laugh within me. "I think there is a hole in it, Fortis" I say to him smiling, "That's why the stew keeps vanishing" he says quite dazed, then holds the spoon to his eye "Can see you" he said to me in a childish voice. I start to smile even though it was far from funny. "I wonder where Vivos is" I say quietly "Vivos will be in Cinereo, in the nigrum frigus, sadly but most likely" he replied. In the heart of Cinereo was a hidden underground torture chamber and dissection lab called the nigrum frigus, only those of high authority know where it is. Vivos was most likely to be in the torture half if we're lucky, if not he would already be dead. In the dissection lab scientists dissect the bodies of The Spirit Warriors to help wipe them out. I don't want to think about it anymore because it is a spine chiller of a story, I was thinking the nigrum frigus never mind the torture chamber, that could make a deaf man puke. "We have got to go and rescue him" slips out of my mouth "He is not going to stay in the nigrum frigus much longer", "Parva I know we need to but I don't think we'll get anywhere by nightfall, sweetheart, we'll get up early" he says "Ok, you sleep" we both say, "No, I will" we both say again "Fine I'll go to sleep" we both say again and drop our heads down on our pillows. I turn my head to the right so it faces Fortis's bed. He was awake and it he just so happens to be facing his left so he is staring right at me, "Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite" he whispers, "Sweet dreams" I whisper back and with that I drifted off into a deep sleep. Suddenly I woke up, it was dark, cold and worst of all I was the only human-mutant thing in the hollow tree. I just couldn't believe it, Fortis was gone, he abandoned me. I get out of the blanket and run outside of the tree, I could only just see about 10 feet. Then there was a loud snapping of a twig behind me, I turn, yet nothing was there. "Fortis, is that you" I say my voice quite low, riddled with fear. "Parva my dear, don't be frightened it is only me, Fortis" Fortis says from behind me, using common sense I turn around to face him. As I turn his hand covers my mouth. I'm struggling to breath, trying to scream as he raises a knife and plants it in my chest.

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