Traducciones   12 años

Acception Here I am Sitting in a dark room With my covers being the only warmth My head pounding at the reality around me Listening to my parents fight Recovering from me and my mothers fight I feel like an outcast in this family Whatever I do to surprise my mom, I screw up My grades are all A's and B's and mother still doesn't approve My brother never gets yelled at and whenever anything goes wrong, they all turn they're heads at me I can't breath I'm suffocating in my own bedrooms darkness I close my eyes I'm still suffocating I'm letting go Whatever happens, happens My stomachs in a knot I see a speck if white light Closer Brighter Closer Brighter Closer Blinding BAM I can breath again I feel new I feel released I feel free I feel accepted I'm where I belong In the arms of our creator God Here I am

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