Traducciones   13 años

The Years That Passed Six years have come and gone, I need for you to know just how much our friendship touched my heart. You and I shared so much common ground of love and #life of hopes and dreams, it bound us from the start. Two minds like one you knew my thoughts and shared my vision, two lives collide but their paths are already fated. You went your way and I went mine as the time ticked by the distance grew. Often my mind would drift to you but you seemed so far and this I hated. I set about to seek you out by every means I could imagine. The endless calls and tone less voices at last a lead and then there you were. Your voice filled my heart with hope and a familiar warmth that seemed so right. At last I felt all was good with the world again my longing settled, my mind content. Now I see you emails flash up I read the words and sense that all is not as it seems. My heart can tell that all is not well, my mind knows what will come next. My eyes read what my heart try's to ignore this is the last time that we will speak. I understand why you have to walk away but wish with my very soul that I could change your mind. I thought of you always in the years that passed and I know the years yet to come will be no different, forever in my mind and imprinted on my heart. Cristy xxx

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